Two Blogs Worth Your Time

Leilani Pierson, mixed media fiber artist who frequently appears in Cloth Paper Scissors magazine, has posted a 100-day challenge at the CPS forum. The rules are pretty simple: Using any medium of your choice, make a 3"x5" (or thereabouts) piece of art every day for 100 days. The challenge started on July 19th, but you can begin your 100 days at any time. If you skip a day or two, you can do more than one piece a day in order to catch up to the current day, but don't work ahead, as that would be considered cheating. I like this challenge--although I'm still debating whether I will do it--because the small size is not intimidating. You don't have much chance to get artist's block or overthink. You can simply create. You can test new techniques without fearing that you may waste a whole sheet of 9"x 12" water color paper.

The rules mention using both sides of your base, but I don't think it is an absolute requirement. If you are planning to bind your 100 pieces into a book, however, it makes sense to work on both sides. Pierson suggests using 100 index cards, but you can use any base material you want. At the end of the 100 days, you will have 100 pieces to bind together, use in other pieces of art, or just learn and gain satisfaction from. Follow along and post your works (if you dare! :)) at the the CPS forum. Oh, and Leilani's blog is here.

Misty Mawn is currently celebrating summer days at her lovely blog. Take a look. Scrolling through the blog is like sipping a tall glass of lemonade on the front porch on an August evening.


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