
Showing posts from March, 2012

Hurry, Hurry!

Doodles Unleashed Online Book Tour Comes to a Big Finish Traci Bautista's online tour for her new book, Doodles Unleashed is coming to a close. Ms. Bautista has put together a huge array of art goodies for a lucky winner.  There are four different ways to enter for a chance to win the big box of supplies. You have until Saturday, March 31, 2012 12:00 noon PDT to enter. Go here for details.  Good luck! CKC Louisville This Weekend The Creating Keepsakes Louisville scrapbooking event is set to take place March 30-31, 2012 at the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville, KY--of course!  Go here for more information and be sure to check out the FAQs .

A New Title and an Explanation

Hi! As you can see, I have changed the name of this blog.  I made the change primarily for two reasons: I did not want to create any confusion between the very unknown me and the very well-known Crafty Chica , Kathy Cano-Murillo.  Not that anyone would confuse us or our blogs, but I wanted to avoid whatever confusion could have resulted, you know, maybe in 10 years or something. This blog is not about me or my greeting cards and fumbling attempts at art journal pages.  The purpose of this blog is less about how-to and look-at-this and more about directing you (all 3 of you as the case may be at this moment) to interesting stuff in the world of paper arts. That interesting stuff could include books (new and old), blogs, new products, classes, etc.  To that end, my plan is to update this blog regularly and add a Twitter feed and other social media tools.  There may be some ads coming, too, but I hope to keep ...
Natalie Malik of Awkward & Beautiful and of Emily Dismukes from Divine Chaos offer their "Journal in Your Pocket" online class beginning Monday, March 19, 2012. As the title suggests, this class is all about making small journals, just big enough to fit into a pocket. For $25.00 you will get journal prompts, tutorials, live chats with the two instructors, and more.  Registration ends March 20th.  Go here , if you are interested. Go to Traci Bautista's blog to participate in the online book tour for her new book, Doodles Unleashed . She has teamed up with several of her artist friends and art/craft companies for the tour. The book tour features giveaways, tutorials, and other fun stuff. Some of the giveaways are over, but the older posts are still worth reading.  The book looks like a keeper, by the way. 

I am Not Making Any Promises . . .

. . . but I hope to post here more and get this blog a little notice.  I just had an experience with an online blogging service that was interesting, to say the least.  I will not name the company, because they were as nice as could be expected, given the situation.  The blogging service pays $5.00 per weekly post on various topics.  The contract with freelance writers does not require that pictures be posted. That became a bone of contention when I sometimes did and sometimes did not post pictures.  Call me snooty, maybe even stupid, but I'm not going to snap photos and/or troll the Internet for copyright free photos for $5.00 per post. The topics I was writing on did not exactly lend themselves to graphics.  Supreme Court cases on church-state issues and covering the Republican primaries.  Yes, I could have looked for a copyright-free picture of the Supreme Court building or an electoral map, but for $5.00.  No. As it was, I did provided pictu...